1. I wanted to let the Cheezpeeps community know that my good kitteh Kumo (formerly known on ICHC as Happycat, not the meme one but the one rescued and fostered by Romeow and adopted by me and my family) crossed the bridge yesterday afternoon, March 12, at the good old age of roughly 18 1/2. He was diagnosed in January with stage 3 kidney failure and when our efforts at managing it proved ineffective (he DID NAWT WANT teh Speshul Fuds) and he deteriorated quickly, we sadly decided the best thing to do for him was have the vet help him cross the bridge. I was with him to the very end, and it was a very peaceful passing.
    He had a good run in his 18 1/2 years, 15 1/2 of which were spent with us. He had a safe, loving home, other kittehs to boss around, comfy places to nap, and all teh gushyfuds he could eat. He was never a very snuggly, lap-sitting kitteh, but a very chill, mellow companion to hang out with. Though this past weekend, he spent as much time sitting on my and my husband’s laps as he could. He was notable for his lovely gray coat, big fluffy mane, his beautiful fluffy tail, and his copious amounts of toe floof, as well as his gentle, good-natured personality. His usual napping position was sprawled on his back, one big floofy back paw sticking up in the air.
    He wuz a Very Gudgudgud Kitteh and was very much loved. Until we meet again, big guy ❤

    1. Sorry for your loss lunarmommy. After such a long life,parting is hard.
      Go well Kumo,young and well again in the meadow

    2. Deepest sympathies, Lunarmommy. You gave him all the best things, including the one that is hardest for the humans. He’s in the meadow, joining the eternal argument about who has the “bestest ebber hoomins.”

    3. Hugs to the Lunar Family on the loss of your floofy boy. Sounds like he spent his life well-lived and well-loved.

  2. Thank you {{{{{{evreewun}}}}}} it wuz very hard but it wuz comforting to see him at peace after being so sick. an now he iz in teh meddow wif my other heart-kittehs an many kitteh-frends he never met before.

  3. {{{{{lunarmommy}}}}} Seems to be the season for Bast to call her children home. Glad that Kumo had a long happy life, a peaceful passing and is now making a lot of new friends while he waits for you.

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