
turtlol’s beloved Mahm, her mother, passed away on Saturday 25 Jan.

We can has some hugs n beems here, plzkthx?

(Fanx, anni, fur teh sad news!)


  1. Jackie and I can has a hyooj sad wif you, turtlol. To be your mahm, I can has no doubt her be an amazing purrson who are gonna leave a hole inna world. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{turtlol}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  2. Dear Turtlol, I am so sorry to hear of this loss. I’m on the other side of Anni, holding your other hand.

    “May her soul and the souls of all the departed rest in peace.” BCP

  3. I am so sorry to hear of your great loss dear turtlol. I hope there is a teaparty of CheezMoms going on to welcome your Mahm. My Mam will be persuading all the other ladies to have another slice of apple pie. We are always our mother’s children, and the love remains.

  4. ohai, turtlol. ai haz bin gone fur longlong tyme, but stawped to see stuffs, and saw whut happened tu yoo. mai momcat passed in December, rite be4 Chrissmaas, adn ai bin havving a bigbig sad alsew. it am a hard tyme tu go throo. many beems ub support fur yew adn yur fambily.

  5. ohai mai deer frenz!
    Nawt second, fankyoo Prysma, I didn’t even know this was here, I’ve been lax about my online frolics due to other concerns. Thanks to Ann who alerted me to this lovely tribute page.

    Second-second, my deepest sympathy to you, Laughingcats, for your loss as well! I’m so sad that Christmas was sad for you. It IS so very hard….

    Everyone has loss in life, some sooner, some later. We all go thru loss and it suxxors most heinously. My Mahm was a lovely and fantastic woman, very very smart and clever. My deerest 95 year old daddehkitteh is kind of like a boat without oars right now; he’s cast adrift, and I’m doing what I can for him. Fortunately, I work less than 2 miles from their house, so I’ve been there every day after work and on weekends, trying to halp. He’s still pretty sharp; he drives, he reads, he’s very active on the innertoobs…he just doesn’t know how to pay bills, where the tax stuff is kept, things like that. Mom always did all the business things. She fortunately told ME all the business stuff, though. I’m able to find things he’s frantically searching for, so that’s a blessing.

    All I can say is, Mom had 93 amazing years on this planet. She and I visited the day she passed; we joked, talked about many things, and I had no inkling that it would be the very last time we’d see each other and laugh and talk together. Nothing was left unsaid, and I have no regrets, other than the selfish desire that she would still be here with me. Everyone, always tell those you love that you do love them. You never know when it will be the last time.

    I love you ALL! (schmoos) Fankyoo for your kindness……

  6. Mai Daddehkitteh sed to me obber teh weekend (we laid Mahm to rest yesterday at the National Cemetery, Dad is a WWII vet) that he didn’t realize how coddled and cared for he had been…. he found didn’t know how to make himself a sammich, poor guy…. he’s got a lot to lern. Ai’m there to halp him, though.

    Thank you all again so much for your continued kindnesses!
    lubs and hugs

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