
Cheezland Relay Servals

Okay, guys, I are seein lotsa lonely peeps coz of teh pandemic fing.

If you wanna get together on other platforms, feel free to talk abowt it here.

UNLESS IT ARE A PUBLIC LINK, DO NOT PUT IT INNA COMMENT. This site can be seen by anybody including spambots! (Under NO circumstances post a phone number or address!)

Haoever, if you want to say, “My username on blah platform is whatever-it-is,” that are okay.

And you can emeow prysma at and ask me to relay it to sumwun else, who will then has yur emeow address – or to pass on a specific link, or sumfing. Keep in mind, if you are usin an emeow address fur yur comments that you do not check, this will not work, becoz that is teh emeow I will relay stuffs to. I will try to get teh servals to pass it on wifakwikness.

I hoping this meens peeps can get togevver an chat on Google Hangouts or Zoom or whatever, and mebbe feel less lonely.

Just donut furget about hangin out here an sayin ohai to teh peeps who duzzint do teh social medias. :-)

I are:

Bukk uv Faycis: prysmcat (nawt on heer much but are frenz wif lotsa Cheezpeeps)



  1. I don’t have any other place apart from the group that was formed by and for people who played on ICHC before it went bad. That is enough for me – I spend far too long sitting at the computer anyway. Do not want FB, and I think tweeting is strictly for the birds!

  2. I agree with Annipuss. I don’t do social media, and get so many regular emails that any more would shoot my daily numbers up into the couple hundred category. I have been self isolating for quite a while now, but have violated it twice lately for things other than grocery runs. One of my oldest and best friends was moved to hospice this week. There were a LOT of emails alerting all her friends, and their responses back that her husband read to her, because someone said even unconscious she might hear it. I visited there Wednesday to say goodbye and talk to her husband face to face. He asked me to come to their house today to pick out what clothes she will be buried in, as she died yesterday. And if anyone thinks that was frivolous social contact, I will have many rude words to say to them. We’ll have a memorial when we can all get together again, but I ache for her husband going through this all alone. Because virtual hugs can only get you so far.

    1. Beems for all who knew and loved your friend. A passing is hard enough at any time,but now it is horrendous.

    2. Badger, please accept my condolences. I’m glad you were able to see her one last time.
      I don’t know where you are, but around here they said “no funerals”. Then they said “immediate family only”. I understand they need to keep the crowds down, but if it’s just the husband and son, maybe you are close enough to be honorary immediate family (if that’s what the husband would want).
      They do live stream funerals now. When my uncle died my cousin apologized, saying she felt it was “tacky”, but it was a way for everyone to be there. Now, many years later, we seem to have grown accustomed to it.
      Just me, thinking out loud. Please take care. *hugs*

  3. Thanks Annipuss. He is going to call the funeral home this morning to see what the rules of burial are right now. We THINK he can bring clothes, my experience is that jewelry is limited at best. If nothing else, they may be doing shrouds, which would be fine but we need to know. Probably just him and her son for a burial, maybe with recording for her family??? So not sure.

  4. Thank you for the concern. Thanks for the info Tuna Juice. I can’t imagine they would say no funerals because, let’s be real, the bodies would take over available space in the morgue. I can well believe they would limit number of participants though.

    1. Around here they sometimes do postpone burials until spring because of the snow. But when they said no funerals, I think they meant no gatherings. Again, hugs, peace and best wishes to you.

    2. Badger, I am so sorry for the loss of your friend, and my heart goes out to her friends, and to her husband in these strange and difficult days.
      Unfortunately the ban on funerals is very real. There was a funeral in Italy where one person’s attendance caused an outbreak cluster of 60 infected people.
      Would there be a way for you all to connect via Skype or Zoom and share memories of your friend? I don’t know what, if any, faith they followed, but there are sources like the Book of Common Prayer online where you can find orders of service, if you wanted to be that formal.

  5. All good suggestions. Her husband is having a very small service and we will have the huge memorial when the isolation is over. I had to smile at Toona Juices’ comment. I recall years ago a friend was killed in a car accident in Alaska and we were scurrying around to prepare for the funeral when the word came that there was no hurry….they couldn’t bury him until spring thaw.

  6. I didn’t know where to post but thought peeps would want to know:
    Susan Jeswine Oshea passed away. She was a good person who spent her life helping others, and her later years being a thorn in the side of authority. Quick witted and resolute, she had many stories to tell and could always get the most callous person to sober up.

    You’ll be missed, Mrrrph.

    1. :cry:
      Bye, Mrrphh.
      Enjoy teh other side of teh Bridge with Lungdoc an Star an waaay too many other wunnerful peeps an even more furbabies to keep you company.

    2. Becoz teh question is gonna come up inevitably these days… it were not COVID related. According to teh closer peeps on Facebork, she just stopped breathing in her sleep, peacefully, this moarning.

      1. I understand that she had severe sepsis. A great lady who will be missed. Beems for her husband, Jerry and all who knew and loved her

      2. Yes, she had been in the hospital since about March 1– had been helicoptered over from the island, so it must have been serious. Then developed severe sepsis on Friday.
        Godspeed, dearest Mrrphh, rejoining your dear Kitty Rou’! My hart is borked adn mai eyes leak, but at least her suffering is over. I am so sad for Jerry adn MrrphhCat and Miles, though.
        Au revoir, sweet Sooz, we lubs you mutchly and furrebber.

    3. Ohhhhhhh….Mrrph….
      I’m so sorry to hear this. We had planned to have a Cheezmeet a few times, but her health prevented it. I’m sorry I didn’t get to meet her in purrson.

      God speed, and enjoy the meadow dear Mrrph.

  7. (((Mrrphs family)))) A peaceful death, what more could any of us ask for at the end? May she have many friends to meet her in the meadow, and fun petting all the furry friends.

  8. Just stopping by to say ohai to all cheezpeeps. I hope everyone is doing well physically AND mentally considering the circumstances. This whole thing, everything, is overwhelming for some. I work retail at both my jobs and I have seen the insanity from the inside. Some people have taken this way too far. They have become quite rude and sometimes just plain mean. When the National Guard got called out, DOD Production Act put into effect, stay at home orders and then when I went to work and there were blue lines on the ground for “social distancing” and my boss took my temperature, I lost it. I tried to stay calm for a little bit but I had to walk away, sobbing and shaking. I had my episode and I’m fine. But the emotional toll this is taking on people, especially those who have anxiety issues or depression, has become incapacitating for some. One of my acquaintances is having a very very difficult time. She is out of work and has a doctor who, in the past, has told her to meditate and use cbd products for her anxiety. I have another friend who is freaking out about hand sanitizer, wanting to trade tp or paper towels for some. We are all used to our freedom, to come and go as we please but we have to stop and think. This is not vacation time or party time. It’s not a scary book or movie. THIS. IS. REAL! Staying home is the best way to help. First responders, nurses, doctors, hospitals, anyone in the healthcare industry are putting their lives on the line to try to stop this. There are also people who have the capacity to make supplies for the medical field and are helping sooooo much. And STILL a lot of people are ignoring it. I apologize for my extended rant but I had to get it out before I yell at a customer coming to my work to buy a candy bar or taking the whole family shopping for lawn furniture. Yes, I am thankful for having a job (or two) but it’s not going to get better until we all wake up and take this more seriously.
    Purrs nd hedbonks tew awl.

    1. No, yoo’s nawt an idiot at awl S1f. Dis am beri reel, and awl de folks wills hab different fings dat cause de moment ob panik. For mii, is Lili — wut iff shii cluster seizures and wii habs to go to de vet ER? Wut iffn it goes awn and awn and wii runs owt ob her meds and can’t gets moar (dat am truly catastrophizing, and ai recognizes dat, but it am a 3 a.m. worry-thot). Ebbry time shii coffs or sneezes ai habs a moment ob panik.
      And since ai is in de 60+ group, ai shoulds nawt go owt. Wii am well stocked for seberal weeks wif supplies, so wii be okay for da moment. But den — wut cans ai do to halp? Staying safe and owt ob de way doesn’t feel like halping, but ai gnoes it am. Ebbry purrson who minimizes der risk am halping. So ai habs decided mai “job” in awl dis am to reech owt via email and phone calls to other elders in mai circle and make sure ebbryone am okay and managing de alone-ness.
      Ai heers yoo, though — the stories ob peoplol nawt takin’ dis seriously am horrific. And yet, dere am so menny stories ob compassion: young people posting dere phone numbers on windows so dere elderly naybors can calls dem for shopping needs, landlords forgiving rent, tireless doctors and nurses and first responders, and the brave souls who still work essential serbisses jobs like inna grocery store.
      Hooman nature am amazing inna bof directions!

      *Hugs to awl Cheezpeeps!*

  9. When I go back and read this I will feel like an idiot but thank you for letting me get it out.
    Off to work…..

    1. Not an idiot. A human being doing your best in the most trying conditions the world has seen in the lifetime of most people alive today. Remember the words of Mother Julian of Norwich -“all shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of thing shall be well.”
      We will get through this – it may take time, but we will survive.

  10. this a time tew shaer an bee saef,nawt tew worrie s1f! skarie wen wee dunnawt noe waht skarie fing komes negst.

  11. Here in UK we are pretty much in lockdown. Unless your job is a) essential and b) cannot be done from home we are limited to going out once a day on foot or cycle for exercise and to get food and medication. As over 65s Mike and I are just entering our third week of isolation. I did a large shop before we started and am now still well supplied except for fresh veg. We will get a supermarket delivery on Thursday and I’ve just discovered that one of our local greengrocer is still delivering veg boxes so that’s taken care of! The great side-effect is that we are seeing much more of our family than we usually do – we’re a fairly detached lot with our daughters scattered – two in England, one in Scotland and one in Kuwait and normally if we facetime one its once a week. Now we are meeting on facetime as a group daily at midday BST and talk for up to an hour. Equally as the churches are all closed, one of our local vicars has started a daily prayer meeting on Zoom so we start the day with half an hour of worship, prayer and chat. It is a terribly scary time but it does have its upsides. And of course there’s all you lovely people out there too to encourage me if I’m down. Thank you all so much xxx

  12. My folk, who go crazy if they have nothing to do, are involved in lots of research and art projects, gardening etc. while they are in isolation. I’m a resource for all that, both because I’ve been doing it forever and I have a huge reference library. We’ve been sharing ideas to keep the kids busy, teaching them art things (cuz that’s what we do). Little ones that were learning to sew anyway have been put to work making masks. A good way to get familiar with the sewing machine and help out. One of my neighbors volunteered to call a list of elder members of her church on a regular basis to make sure they are OK. I’m working projects, and continuing with the volunteer work I do online helping with research to get numbers to justify wildlife flyovers be built. It means a lot of time staring at zombie deer :-)

    All in all, most people are being good about following the isolation rules. And yes, my greatest admiration for those still working in grocery stores and medical as essential personnel. Props to you short1fry.

  13. Today everyone in the hospital-except patients will be wearing a mask.
    Cons: Listening to People complaining mask is hot and makes it hard to breathe.
    Pros: Hides the horrid dents my BiPap mask makes on my cheeks, only need eye makeup the rest can be skipped, helps keep my hospital peeps safer despite what some “experts” say.

    1. Idunno if we’ll raise anything at all, but Jackie and I gonna be trying to do a bit of fundraising on Jackie’s Twitch channel for Direct Relief to help them with PPE for US health care workers. We be doin okay up here, all things considered, but, ah, you guyz nawt so much. Ihopeso we can at least raise a little bit towards it. {{{{{{mqos}}}}}}

    1. ohai short1fry. hao b ur nefphew wiv awl da cool nanimalz ov da reptilian kind? an da ratoonies? an wuz it coco hoo joined ur hauseholde?

      1. Ohai noodle!! Fanks furr asking. I think I need something else to think about besides the virus. People don’t seem to care……..oops, sorry. Not having a very good mental morning here. Hopefully I’ll feel better when I get to work 1 or work 2 but I doubt it.
        Nephew is ok. He is still open, I kind of wish he would close but people still need to feed their critters. Ratties have been gone for a while. I’m not planning on any more. Coco is ok, she’s a sweetie. Rocko is still stoopid and Pixie isn’t using her litter box.
        Hugs to you and boops to PJ and Jessica

  14. ai ordered nawt fifteen collers fore mai furr babies. Stereyotyped pinkie fore teh gulls an bloo fore teh nawt gulls. the collers will have dere naems awn them. juss inkase ai leeve diss plane afore dem. werking awn document abowt dehm alsewtewaswell wiff pitchers. an den teh will.
    althow ai wunner if teh sick ai had a few weaks bak was teh viris. butt ai had no temp. had pretty healffie coff tho.

    1. My durn ais gotted leaky reeding dis. Prayin yoo are okay adn juss has a cold. CC noes yor well-being is ohai priority, for yorseff adn for ebrywun elss. Hugs frum PA.

      1. mai coff awl gone finalee, thanks fore good thots. ai kareful wen goe owt butt shore notishin hao noe wun else much hear following direcktshcins.

    1. sownds weerd duzzint it? rite nao awl sergeries ar kanselled sew eggstraw staph, then udder depardmin lyke bisnis orifice, eye tee puter peeps, udder orifices.
      OH an ai ast mai boss an YEP ai am goeing tew bee ferlowed fore a weak somethyme soon. 8O
      (ebidentlee infekshin prevenshiiist nawt awl tat portint) 8O :(

  15. Just checking in to see how everyone is doing. Are you guys feeling ok? Physically and mentally? Has anyone started any new hobbies? How are your furbabies handling you being home all the time?
    It’s been busy over here. My one job (the one I don’t cashier at) has been insanely busy. The company has cross-trained people in other departments to cashier. From what I’ve heard recently people are still being rude and confrontational to the point of actually pushing an employee. At my cashier job, about a week or ago, I had a “meltdown”. I was driving home crying when I had to pull over because I got lightheaded and couldn’t see through my tears and I just sat there and cried for over an hour.
    I hope all the peepz out there are handling it better than I am.
    Off to work. One ok work and the other pleh work.
    Purrs and hedbonks to all! xoxoxo

    1. {{{{S1F}}}} I am so sorry. If there was ever a time for people to be kind, generous, and patient, this would be it. I wish people would get a clue that the workers putting themselves at risk deserve our thanks and every effort we can make to keep them safe. I hope this week goes better for you.

      1. Ohai Shepmom
        The people who are putting themselves at the most risk are out medical, police and fire personnel. I especially want to thank the nurses. They are so overworked and so amazingly brave. I ring up quite a few at my cashier job. They keep it all together when people are freaking out and the world is crazy. I don’t know how they do it. They help me too at the register. There was A LOT more to this post but I cut it. Maybe I’ll post it later.
        Hugs and love to all peepz. xoxoxo

        1. Ohai short1fry. Gud gud two cu hear inn cheezlandia. Diz am a muchly moor kinder plaze den de pleh reel life rite nao.

  16. {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{s1f}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
    many hugs fore yu, ai hope this goze awai at sum poynt an sooner rathur than later.

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