Kitty fizziks

Photo (of daughter Maggie’s kitty Vinnie and cousin) by Maggie
Caption by Cat_S
Classiclol from March 2014

Cat_S sez: This is daughter Maggie’s photo (used with purrmission) of her current lord and master Vinnie helping her cousin Ruth revise for a physics exam!

kris mouse is coming!

Photo (of [heart-kitteh] Dandy’s nawt-sekkund encounter with a Catmus tree) and caption by Cat_S
Classiclol from December 2014
Sorry – I got Cat_S’s trio out of order, I meant to do this one on Catmas Eve! :oops: But adorable in any order, aifinkso!

Description: Sleek (in fact, shiny) house-panther Dandy is inside a Catmas tree among the decorations, his yellow eyes very wide and his attention on something offscreen to the left. Text reads, at the top, “Halp!” and, below, “kris mouse is coming!”

LOLcats make teh bestest presents!

Photo (of [heart-kitteh] Mister) and caption by Cat_S
Classiclol from December 2014

Description: On a green-blue-grey carpeted floor, tabby Mister has managed to crawl into what appears to be a tube of purple wrapping paper, and out the other end. He shows every sign of enjoying his new possession, like a hermit crab with a new shell, but is looking off to the left towards something that has caught his attention. Text reads, “LOLcats make the bestest presents!”

der hollie have a prickel

Photo (of [heart-kitteh] Anakin) and caption by Cat_S
Classiclol from December 2014

Description: Lovely tabby Anakin is on a shelf, exploring holly leaves and berries, her eyes wide. Text reads, at the top, “OOh der hollie hav a prickel” and, at the bottom, “as sharp as a forn!”

Alien captures heroic kitteh

Photo (of [heart-kitteh] Mister) and caption by Cat_S
Classiclol from June 2015

Description: The human on the right is lifting a large folded/rolled sheet of corrugated cardboard <strike>rolled up flat light object, maybe a rug since it looks too stiff for fabric</strike>. Tabby Mister is clinging to it (or jumped to seize it) with both forepaws while biting the bottom edge, with his back feet entirely off the ground. Text reads, at the top (over the rug), “Alien captures” and at the bottom, beside Mister, “heroic kitteh”

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