Caption me – Jet

Photo (of Jet) by Badger

Badger sez: Jet haz camofladge! Lubs teh black velvets, eben tho mini uvver velvets and silks alsotoo availabubble in teh workshop currently.

Memorial: Badger’s Jewel

Photo (of heart-kitteh Jewel) by Badger

Badger emailed me Sunday night to say: Well, it’s 10:30 P.M. and I am just back from the frantic run to the emergency vet care hospital. My beautiful Jewel had some kind of stroke followed by seizures. Couldn’t stand up, jaw was locked and legs thrashing like she was trying to swim. That combined with her IBD was just too much. So, she has crossed the Bridge to be with my other furkids and to meet my hubcat.

Photo (of heart-kitteh Jewel) by Badger

Only thing we can do is send love and healing to you, and wish peace and sunshine to Jewel.

Caption me – Killian

Photo (of heart-kitteh Killian) by Badger
Classiclol from December 2018

Description: Lying on a wicker chair with a patterned cushion is a handsome fluffball of a cat, light orange with a lot of white in intricate patches that I can’t even begin to really do justice to in words, including white along his back and a deeper orange stripe across his shoulders, and a striking squiggly white line up his orange forehead. His shoulder is resting casually against the arm of the chair, his head erect above it, and his arm is fully extended 

Caption me – Flynn

Photo (of Flynn) by Badger

Badger sez:

watching birds I think

Description: I actually hated to resize this picture, Flynn’s amber eyes are so mesmerizingly beautiful. There’s something in the background I think, I keep getting distracted back to his eyes. Floofy orange kitty with long white whiskers, the orange fading out across his eyes like a frame to leave his lower face white, spreading out and downwards across throat and chest and around the sides of his neck. The foreleg we can see is white nearly to the elbow, with a wide broken bracelet of orange tabby stripes circling it. There’s a collar hiding somewhere among the floof, barely visible. He’s lying mostly in a sunbeam but his foreleg and half his chest are in shadow. Those amber eyes, the pupils contracted to tiny black slits, are fixed with great intensity on something above and behind the camera.

Caption me – Jet

Photo (of Jet) by Badger

Badger sez: Jet (exploring the plants in the sunroom)

Description: A long-furred slender house panther is standing with proper feline balance on the edge of a brown-painted stand (appropriate!) with forepaws resting on one of two wicker chairs with cushions, head turned towards whatever is on the shelf/ledge/table behind the chair, which might be one of several large painted pots. A plant in a pot is in the angle between the chairs, and behind them is a statue and a large window. (Sorry, Badger, this is a hard one to describe eloquently and do it justice! Plz apologize to Jet!)

Caption me – Jewel

Photo (of Jewel) by Badger

Description: A long-haired cat is lounging elegantly on a bed with a patterned blue cover, her forepaws extended fully and crossed at the wrist. She’s looking directly at the camera, not particularly concerned. She has a lot of white, but black along her back and on the top of her head spilling down onto her face, and adorable little marks right around her mouth and nose. Her pose and expression suggest that she knows she’s royalty.