Deep Thought

Photo source unknown (ICHC)
Caption by Lungdoc
Classiclol from May 2014

Description: A black-and-white cat is inside an empty computer case, head sticking out the front. A tabby is sitting next to it at an angle, tail curled against one foreleg, looking at the other cat. The tabby’s speech bubble reads, “There is an answer? A simple answer?” The black-and-white computer-cat’s speech bubble reads, “Yes. Life, the Universe, and Everything. There is an answer. But I’ll have to think about it.” This is, of course, from the Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, but you all knew that, didn’t you?

Kitteh lips wrong shape?

Photo source unknown (ICHC)
Caption by Lungdoc
Classiclol from March 2014

Description: A small black kitten is tucked into the pocket of a floofy white bathrobe. One paw is hanging somewhat downwards, and the other is resting on the edge of the pocket. There’s a little pink tongue sneaking out to touch that tiny black nose. The kitten seems to be taking this position completely in stride. Text reads, “Aniwun can whissle; Taht’s what tehy say… Eeezee. Aniwun can whissle, Ani old dai… Eeezee. Itz awl so simple; Relaks, let go, let fly. So sumwun tell mii, Why can’t Ai??” with a note crediting it to Sondheim, “Anyone Can Whistle”

Cynical Shakespearean kitteh

Photo (of Scooter) and caption by Lungdoc
Classiclol from January 2015

Description: Calico Scooter, with her striking black eyeliner, is lying in a white fleecy kitty bed in a window, with her mouth open, maybe in a yawn. The speech bubbles read, above, “Heigh-ho, sing heigh-ho, unto the green holly. Most friendship is feigning…” and, below, “… most loving mere folly! Then heigh-ho, the holly. This life is most jolly!” A green note at the bottom reads, “As You Like It, Act 2, Scene 7”

Really high up

This were about a dirigible from our 2017 Annibirthary party, but it camed out a cupple days after.

Photo (of Sheena) and caption by Lungdoc
Classiclol from August 2017